I've never had a blog before. So, bear with me. The idea for my adventure, and this blog, came about one evening at dinner. The family was gathered around the table, enjoying our usual casual conversation. Somehow, the topic was turned to what "type" of meal we were having; i.e. Mexican, Italian, etc. I forget what that evening's meal actually was, but the question got us started on discussing the different cuisines we've had over the years.
Well, that got me to thinking. I've seen the movie Julie & Julia, about the woman who sets out to prepare every recipe in Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" book." The journey she embarks on, as well as Julia Child's journey in writing the book. What about a journey of my own? I love to cook. I love to try new recipes. My family enjoys trying new foods. Supposedly, I'm a decent cook. As far as I know, I've never killed anyone with my cooking. So, what about a journey around the world in the kitchen?
I started thinking about how many countries there are, how many different cuisines. How many recipes I can find online or through friends from those countries? Well, let's find out. This week we'll begin. I plan my menus two weeks at a time. So, every other week either Devon or Sarah will spin the globe & thus decide part of that menu. Ready to travel Around the World in the Kitchen? Let's go.
Might want to specify that "Devon or Sarah" is our children... :)